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Configure Zoho Inboxes

Learn how to get your Zoho inbox connected to Warmup Inbox

Lucia Matúšková avatar
Written by Lucia Matúšková
Updated over 3 months ago

Learn how to get your Zoho inbox connected to Warmup Inbox

To get a Zoho inbox connected to the platform, you will first need to enable IMAP access under your inbox before getting it connected to the platform. To do this.

1. Login to Zoho Mail

2. Go to Settings

3. Navigate to Mail Accounts and click the respective email address from the left listing.

4. Under the IMAP section, check the IMAP Access box.

5. You can also enable Auto-Expunge and configure Folder Settings.

You can connect your ZOHO account using our ZOHO integration or using the SMTP/IMAP option.

ZOHO integration

To use our integration, you will need to create a specific application password for this connection.

Here are the instructions:

1. Log in to Zoho Accounts.

2. From the left menu, navigate to Security and click App password.

3. Click Generate New Password.

4. Enter the WUI as the app name and click Generate.

5. Use the app password in the inbox connection in the Warmup inbox

SMTP/IMAP method

Below are the following SMTP and IMAP information needed to connect your Zoho inbox to our platform. You will need to select "SMTP&IMAP" as your email provider under the add inbox page on the platform. The SMTP and IMAP login information will be what your standard Zoho login information is.

SMTP Settings:

SMTP Username: (your full email address)

SMTP Password: (use the app password without the spaces)

SMTP Host: please check in your ZOHO account

SMTP Port: 465

TLS: Enabled

IMAP Settings:

IMAP Username: (your full email address)

IMAP Password: (use the app password without the spaces)

IMAP Host: please check in your ZOHO account

IMAP Port: 993

TLS: Enabled

To learn more about this connection you can visit Zoho's Help Article.

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