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Identifying & Filtering Out Emails
Identifying & Filtering Out Emails

How to safely filter and remove all of the emails from your inbox. We will show you Google, MS365 and custom domains examples.

Lucia Matúšková avatar
Written by Lucia Matúšková
Updated over 2 months ago

NOTE: For users who are configuring specific folders to sort our email activity into, please do not utilize the keyword "Spam" in the folder name, this may lead to incorrect metrics reporting.

All emails that are sent from our system have one underlying word in the subject line that you can use to filter emails out.

It's the filter ID and every user has their own unique ID. It can be either:

a) +wuI (It's a lowercase "w", lower case "u" and an uppercase "I" (I as in "Igloo"))

b) random combination of numbers and letters.

You can find your filtering ID by clicking on your connected inbox - settings - general settings. The ID can be found in the Network inbox identifier section at the very top of the page. The filtering ID is the same for all your inboxes.

Example of unique ID (numbers and letters):

Example of +wul filtering ID:

The way to filter emails is to:

  1. Create a new folder (or a label) called "Warmup Inbox" in your mail account.

  2. Create a filter for any email that hits your inbox AND contains the word wuI or your unique ID to be marked as read and move to archive.

IMPORTANT NOTE: We only want to filter out emails that hit the inbox and NOT the spam inbox. Any email that hits the spam inbox, we automatically move back to the inbox. You can learn more about how we move spam messages here.

Every inbox provider has a slightly different way of settings up filters so here are a few popular ones.

Gmail Filter Example

Step 1: Create a label called "Warmup Inbox"

Step 2: If your filtering ID is +wuI, set up a filter like this (if your filtering ID is a combination of numbers and letters, please scroll lower for the instructions):

While you are in the inbox of your mailbox, click here:

This filter searches the inbox and will look like this:

Step 3: Hit Create Filter.

Step 4: Adjust the settings like this:

Step 2: If your filtering ID is a combination of numbers and letters, for example, 8CCA6B4, set up a filter like this:

While you are in the inbox of your mailbox, click here:

This filter searches the inbox and will look like this:

Step 3: Hit Create Filter.

Step 4: Adjust the settings like this:

Outlook Filter Example

Step 1: Create a folder called "Warmup Inbox" (it has to be created as a main folder, not a subfolder).

Step 2: Navigate to the settings icon in the top right corner. Search for "Inbox Rules" and click on the 1st result.

Step 3: Name the rule: Warmup Inbox.

  • Add a condition "Subject includes" and fill out your unique ID. It´s either "+wuI" or a combination of numbers and letters.

    You can find your filtering ID by clicking on your connected inbox - settings - general settings. The ID can be found in the Network inbox identifier section at the very top of the page. The filtering ID is the same for all your inboxes.

  • Add an action: Move to and choose Warmup Inbox

  • Hit save.

Step 4: Your new rule is set up and you´re all set.

Custom Domains Example

If you have an inbox that´s not Google or MS365, creating the filtering rule is very easy. Here are the steps:

1) Create a new folder and name it exactly: Warmup Inbox

2) Set up a rule that if the incoming email contains your ID, this email will be moved to the Warmup Inbox folder.

You can find your ID in your Warmup Inbox account. Click on the inbox - settings and check on your Network inbox identifier.

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